“Creation to Christ” Book Ministry
IAM’s goal for the development of the Creation to Christ series was to provide a valuable resource for pastors, Sunday School teachers, and church leaders of all denominations. The twelve-book series is taught in training workshops and classes using the principle from 2 Timothy 2:2: “And the things that you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” The intention is for Ugandans to train other Ugandans who will teach in their local communities and churches leading their people to a greater understanding of God and Jesus’ call to “go and make disciples.”
Five-day training conferences, taught by our Ugandan leadership team, are offered to teachers and pastors to further assure Biblical understanding and to share ideas for utilizing the books in church and village outreach. Supplemental explanatory materials are also available.
145 original watercolors were painted by well-known Ugandan artist, Stephen Gwoktcho, Kampala.
Over 25,000 books have been printed at St. Christian Graphics, LTD., Kampala and distributed.
Books have been taught in Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo. Books were given to pastors in Malawi and Kenya.
Pastors attending Uganda Baptist Seminary from 5 nations were taught principles of book ministry and given sets for their churches.
Books have been translated into Lugandan.