I continue to marvel at God’s protection as I have traveled by vehicle thousands of kilometers throughout this beautiful country. A small percentage of the roads are paved. Although the main roads from Mityana to Mbarara in southern Uganda were good for the most part, the travel from Mbarara each day to four different locations was on dirt roads. Some were rough as a washboard; others were muddy; some were okay. Travel is always an adventure and sometimes a harrowing experience. On this trip we were almost to the Tanzania border in a place called Isingiro. I am always thankful and grateful to God for safe journeys!
I suppose the amazing thing is that this was the first time I have gotten stuck in the mud in all of our travels, and we have been on MANY DIRT ROADS. This particular incident happened after leaving the third village group. We had already driven over 2 hours on dirt roads when we came to this one where the mud was particularly soft after a light rain. The moment we entered that section, the vehicle just slid to the side as though it were rolling off a tray. Grateful to have 4Wheel Drive, I didn’t expect a problem getting out, but the shoulder was deeper than it appears and the vehicle could not get back onto the road. After 10-15 minutes, Henry suggested that I try to drive the shoulder till it ended and get back on the road. That worked and we were back on our way.
Oh my, is there anything that you should have in your trunk that might help the car get some traction to get out of the mud next time?
What an adventure—perseverance, resourcefulness and a guardian angel saw you through this hazard!